Tips for Carpooling

  • You don’t have to carpool every day. Start by carpooling one day per week, and increase from there. Just try it out and adjust as you go.
  • Worried about traveling with a stranger? First step, arrange to meet at a public space such as Low Plaza or a local coffee shop before you agree to a carpooling arrangement.
  • Don’t commit. Agree to try carpooling once or twice, but make it known you’re not quite sure if carpooling’s right for you. Even then, agree that you may wish to break it off down the road. It’s okay to be a commitment-phobe.
  • Money matters. It’s up to you. If each person in the carpool takes turns in driving, then there’s no need to worry about money. However, some people prefer to drive, others prefer to ride, and in that case, each rider should contribute a reasonable fare to cover gas, tolls, parking, and wear and tear on the driver’s vehicle. For an estimate, look up AAA’s cost to drive.
  • Where do I meet my carpool? That’s up to you. Some people choose to meet at a convenient Park and Ride lot, on the street, at a local mall, or even your house.
  • Respect your fellow carpooler’s wishes. In the morning, some people relish quiet time.
  • Be on time. Decide together how long the driver is expected to wait.
  • Establish policies. Music and volume? Food and drinks? For a happy carpool, agree on some basic rules up front and be open to trying new ideas.
  • Agree on a chain of communication. If a driver is sick or on vacation, have a plan for an alternate driver or commute mode so the other carpoolers are not left stranded.
  • Travel safely. Keep the vehicle in good repair. Keep the vehicle clean and safe. Don't ruin it for everyone with speeding and reckless maneuvers.
  • Don’t want to be stranded at work? Join the Guaranteed Ride Program to get a reimbursed ride home when unexpected emergencies happen.